Contents Bible Notes The Jewish Critique of Nature Wiesel’s Testament Buber’s Anti-utopian Utopianism “Peace on Earth” Reason Within the Limits of Religion Alone: The Achievement of Richard Hooker Anti-Jewish Malice Jewish Interrogations of Modernity Jerusalem versus Athens Jewish Law versus Modern Philosophy Augustine on War Donne’s Candle for Saint Lucy An American Orthodoxy? Augustine’s Critique of Philosophy The Song of Moses and the Regime of God Solzhenitsyn’s Legacy “Bible Notes”: Table of Contents What Can We Learn from the Prophet Zephaniah? The Humanitarian Temptation Augustine on Predestination and Free Will: A Note What Is Christian ‘Union’? Sufi Islam What Is Sanctification? Founding the Christian Regime Some Thoughts Concerning Christian Liberal Education The First Epistle of John The Names of Jesus Chateaubriand’s Defense of Christianity The Poetic of Christianity Christianity and the Liberal Arts Christian Forms of Worship Paul’s Letter to the Philippians The Problem of Factionalism in the Book of Ruth John of Paris on Royal and Papal Power Bonaventure on the Distinction between “Conscience” and “Synderesis” Who Is Jesus? Bossuet on “Universal History” before the Advent of Jesus Bossuet on “Universal History” as Re-written by Christ Theology as Inquiry Bossuet’s Christian Prince Bossuet on Royal Authority Bossuet on Civic Duty Bossuet on the Supports of Royalty Abortion Wrongs Manent on “The Religion of Humanity” The Religious Statecraft of Pius X Pius X on ‘Modernism’ C. S. Lewis’s Defense of the Miraculous Shakespeare, Thinking About God The Life of a Clerical Aristocrat Philosophers Melville’s “Billy Budd” Voegelin the Revolutionary Plato’s Phaedrus Aristotle’s “Rhetoric” Plato’s Gorgias Plato’s Gorgias: The Recovery of Socratic Virtue Origins of the “New Left” Rousseau’s Solitary Walker Aristotle on Rhetoric Aristotle on Education Mansfield on Machiavelli on Livy ‘Postmodernism’ as Disguised Modernism Inequality, That Vexed Question Two Critiques of Nihilism Rousseau’s Social Contract Plato’s Phaedo, I Averroes’ Commentaries on Aristotle Dante’s Heterodoxy Spinoza and Modern Liberalism Mill’s Liberalism and the Pursuit of Virtue Modern Liberalism in Its Variety and Its Continuity The Morality of Nuclear Deterrence Historicity and Reason: Two Studies Spinoza’s Liberalism Mill’s Liberalism Liberalism and Reason Shakespeare and His Roman Plays Delimiting Philosophy Plato’s Republic Rousseau’s “Confessions” ‘Postmoderns,’ Deconstructed Rousseau: Nature or History? Where Does Political Life Come From? Pacifism and Just War Socrates versus Athens ‘Postmodern’ Politics in America Socrates’ Trial, Misjudged Adam Smith, Moralist Do Liberal Democracies Serve Any Purpose? The Political Spirit Socrates in the City Plato’s “Protagoras” What Is Executive Power? Strauss on Political Philosophy Imagination, Reconsidered Locke Questions the Law of Nature Plato–Short, Sweet, and Aporetic Benda’s Dubious “Clerks” Thirty-nine Reasons for Reading Benardete on Plato’s “Republic” Plato the “War Lover” Strengthening Social Contract Theory? Discontented Moderns Hegel: Philosophy Historicized Emerson: Intellectual or Philosopher? Sartre and the ‘Last Man’ Dewey: Growth and Its Problems Marxism: Where Does It Go Wrong? Montesquieu’s Erotic Liberalism The Philosophy of Hamlet’s “Tragicall Historie” Why Philosophy? Socrates’ End Socratic Half-Lives: How Philosophic Were the Philosophers of the Schools? Seneca on Philosophy and the Liberal Arts Seneca: The Governance of Anger Mr. Nice Guy: On the First Book of Montaigne’s Essays Montaigne Concludes His Argument: The Essays, Book Three How Some of Our Contemporaries Aspire to the Philosophic Life Strauss on Reason and Revelation Benda “Buried Alive” Defending Philosophy in Renaissance Italy: Ficino’s Metamorphic Retrieval of Plato’s “Symposium” Aristotelian Physics Fifteen Truths and a Noble Lie The Philosopher-King: A Contradiction in Terms? After Philosophy: Socrates Interruptus Taylor’s “Politics of Recognition” This Is Not an Essay: Critiques of Rawls from the ‘Left’ Flattery and Philosophy How Can One Govern the Doubleness of Thought? Is Machiavelli Machiavellian? Derrida and ‘Deconstruction’ A Question of Integrity: Wolgast’s Critique of Rawls Michel Foucault v. Nancy Fraser: Dueling Aphorisms Marx’s Critique of Liberalism Political Authority: Resistance and Obedience, Socrates and Hobbes Liberalism’s “Two Faces” Tocqueville the Mediator ‘Deliberative Democracy’ Benardete on the Odyssey Aristotle and Modern Politics Machiavelli Today? De Jouvenel’s Conservative Liberalism Learning from Aristotle Tocqueville Companion Is International Law Tyrannical? Aristotle and ‘The Moderns’ Montaigne’s Politics ‘World Politics’ Philosophy and Just War Natural Right and Political Philosophy Locke on the Moral and Political Implications of Modern Science ‘Postmodern’ Happiness? Beauvoir’s Politics Thucydides and Political Liberty Mercy Manent on Thinking Politically Repoliticizing Political Theory Dewey’s Defense of ‘Liberalism’ Scruton Sums Up “Philosophers”: Table of Contents Plato’s Phaedo, II Recovering Cicero Tyranny and Philosophy Conquest of Nature, 6.0 Is Logic ‘About’ Anything? Taming Our Shrewishness Logic and Ethics: Is There a Connection? What Is Analytic Philosophy? Rousseau as Philosopher: The “Discourse on Inequality” Hegel’s “Philosophy of History”: Introduction Hegel’s “Philosophy of History”: The Oriental World Hegel’s “Philosophy of History”: The Greek World Hegel’s “Philosophy of History”: The Roman World Hegel’s “Philosophy of History”: The Germanic World Natural Law and the Rights of Men Bodin’s Secrets Geopolitics of Love Those Incoherent Philosophers ‘Regime,’ Defined What Good Is Democracy? Chateaubriand and Political Philosophy Chateaubriand’s Critique of Rousseau’s State of Nature Reconstituting Natural Philosophy Strauss’s Critique of Hegel The ‘Young Strauss’: A Critique from the ‘Left’ The Encounters of Seth Benardete The Reflections of Seth Benardete Some Notes Concerning Rousseau’s Thoughts on Education. Book I: Infancy Some Notes Concerning Rousseau’s Thoughts on Education. Book II: Early Childhood Some Notes Concerning Rousseau’s Thoughts on Education. Book III: The Mature Child Some Notes Concerning Rousseau’s Thoughts on Education. Book IV: Sexuality and Compassion Some Notes Concerning Rousseau’s Thoughts on Education, Book IV: The Savoyard Vicar Some Notes Concerning Rousseau’s Thoughts on Education, Book IV: Emile in Civil Society Some Notes Concerning Rousseau’s Thoughts on Education: Book V: The Wisdom of Taste Some Notes Concerning Rousseau’s Thoughts on Education: Book V: Sophie Some Notes Concerning Rousseau’s Thoughts on Education: Book V: Comparative Politics and Natural Right within Civil Society Education for Kingship: “Telemachus, Son of Ulysses.” Books I-VI: Eros Rightly Understood Education for Kingship: “Telemachus, Son of Ulysses.” Books VII-XI: Founding the Best Practicable Regime Telemachus at War, Preparing for Peace: Books XII-XVIII Shakespearean Philosophy? Anarcho-Capitalism Refuted Dante on Monarchy Liberal Education at Mid-Twentieth Century The “New Atlantis”; Utopia or Dystopia? Liberal Multiculturalism: Kymlicka’s Case Cicero’s Defense of Politics The Dialogue between Machiavelli and Shakespeare Ciceronian Ethics What is Vico Trying to Accomplish? Seeking Wisdom in Poetry: Vico’s Philology Vico’s Periods of History Seneca on Anger: A Second Look Machiavelli in Florence Pedagogy of the (Would-Be?) Oppressors The Effects of the Philosophy of Freedom on Modern Tyranny The Critique of Rationalism in the Philosophy of Freedom The Nature of Politics Heidegger’s Consequences Wise Contemporaries: Roger Scruton and Pierre Manent Singer’s Critique of Sociobiology What Is Beauty? What Are Persons Worth? Benardete on Plato’s “Philebus” Is Kant a Historicist? Perpetual Peace Voegelin, Hitler, and the Germans In Defense of Humanism What Has Plato To Do With Modern Europe? Marxism in Crisis Political Theory for a Postmodernist ‘Left’ Dialogue Against Ideology: Raymond Aron’s Political Science Literary ‘Theory,’ Refuted Chastellux on “Public Happiness” in the Ancient World Chastellux on “Public Happiness” in the Modern World: Defense of the Enlightenment Aristotle’s Graceful Ethics Plato’s Politic Practice: Plato’s Letters, I-IV What Is Politic About Platonic Political Philosophy? Plato’s “Letters,” V-XIII Moderation, All the Way Down Aristotelian Politics, ‘Ancient’ and Modern’ Philosophy, A Way of Life What Is “Effectual Truth”? Teaching Virtue? Who Is the Teacher? Aquinas on Teachers and Teaching Taught by an Angel? Aquinas on the Hierarchical Character of Christian Education Feuerbach’s Materialism Adventures in Inquiry: Leo Strauss’s Quest Strauss’s Critique of Heidegger Political Philosophy Now Socrates and the Sophist Political Philosophy in Beijing: A Consideration of Strauss Political Philosophy in Beijing, II: A Consideration of Plato’s Socrates Political Philosophy in Beijing, III: A Consideration of Nietzsche Sorel’s Valorization of Violence Alcibiades Montaigne’s Project American Politics Kennan’s Second Thoughts Edward M. Kennedy in 1980 Brzezinski Speaks Solzhenitsyn’s Speech at Harvard Jimmy Carter: Too Little, Too Late The American Flag Tocqueville and American Foreign Policy The Nuclear Arms Moratorium: A Critique Thoughts on the Nuclear `Freeze’ The Perpetuation of Peace What’s Wrong with the American Party System? Nixon’s Defense of Detente America’s Founding “On Two Wings” Educating the American Mind: The Progressives’ View Educating the American Mind: The Founders’ View Terrorism and American Foreign Policy The Foreign Policy of the American Founders American Foreign Policy Today Election 2016: Where Are We Headed? Defending Europe: The “Neutron Bomb” Controversy Thinking About Nuclear Arms Control Studies of the American Constitution The Idea of Self-Government in the Political Thought of John Marshall Carter, Mondale, and the Politics of Compassion Religion and the New Liberalism Foreign Policy of the American Founders Foreign Policy Since 1890 Education as Understood by the American Founders Education in the Minds of American Progressives Rhetoric and American Statesmanship Israel on America’s Mind Statesmanlike Speech The Founding and Perpetuation of the American Republic How the Constitution Secures Rights Freedom of Speech vs. Freedom of Expression On the Preamble to the United States Constitution In Defense of American Constitutionalism: The Case Against Initiative and Referendum Tocqueville on Liberty and Democracy Adams on Madison Marking the Constitution’s Bicentennial Philadelphia, 1787: An Introduction Religious Liberty in America, Misunderstood A Flaccid Defense of Freedom Ronald Reagan: A Conservative’s Assessment Public Morality, and Public Moralism Benjamin Franklin as a Way of Life Emerson: How ‘American’ Was He? Macedo v. The Constitution Locke and the American Founders Washington’s Political Thought Empty “Mandate”: Union of Concerned Scientists Monroe’s Understanding of the Sovereignty of the American People A Feminine History of the American Revolution America’s Logocracy American Prisons The American Founders’ “Rhetorical Identities” Why the American Revolution Really Was One Jefferson’s Political Identity FDR and Stalin De Gaulle According to Faulkner The First Amendment, Misunderstood Pacifism’s Moral Crisis Natural Right and the American Academic Jeffersonian Empire Political Science in the Commercial Republic The Thomas Nomination: The Principles Behind the Polemics Property Tax Law and the Passion for Equality Ideology and Literary Studies: PMLA 1930-1990 Self-Government, the American Theme Shklar on American Citizenship: A Dialogue with the Declaration Lincoln on Culture Challenges to American Liberalism: Martin Luther King and Malcolm X The Character of Modern Republicanism Why the Federalists Won Preconditions of the American Founding Holmes on the “Missouri Question” The Question of Slavery in the Founding Period The Political Coherence of the Antebellum South Federalism as Nationalism: Beer’s Critique of Madisonian Compact Theory Has Federalism Impeded Tyranny in the United States? ‘Divided Government’ in America Urban Studies and the Question of Race Populism in America The Decline of Voter Turnout in the United States The Cold War: Causes and Effects Clinton Impeached, but Why? Revolution at Gettysburg? Lincoln on Self-Government: The Reply to Douglas Truman: A Turn to the Right? The Idea of Self-Government in the Political Thought of John Marshall What Does Not Kill Schell’s Argument Makes It Stronger Hyphenate Americans and Invisible Men: The ‘Americanist’ Strategies of Wilson and Roosevelt in the Great War Wilson’s Doubleness: A Commentary on “WW” What Is “The Promise of American Life”? Patriotism, a Natural Sentiment That Is Also Made What Is a Regime? Executive Authority in the Republican Regime: How the American Founders Designed the Presidency The Progressives’ Presidency Aristotle and Hamilton Keeping a Republic: Lincoln and Tocqueville Self-Government and Its Discontents Publius on the American Regime and the American State Publius on the Articles of Confederation Regime and State Publius on Federalism and Rebellion Publius on the United States Senate Public Opinion, the American Way On Pretending the Constitution Was a Blank Slate What Does the Constitution Constitute? United States Constitution: Some Powers of the House of Representatives How Not to Understand the ‘Tea Party’ Movement United States Constitution: How Senators are Elected United States Constitution: Some Presidential Powers United States Constitution: The Republican Guarantee Clause America’s Reconstitution War Is All Hell, Except When It Isn’t Amerindians in the Civil War America’s Constitution as Regime The United States Constitution Considered with Multifaceted Superficiality Folsoms Return Fire Herbert Hoover’s Despairing Verve Jeane Kirkpatrick: Political Science as Statecraft The Right to Effective Citizenship Constitutional Limits on Military Action Due Process of Law Aristocracy versus Democracy Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address Lincoln’s Address at Gettysburg Goodnow’s Conception of American Liberty The Race Issue Hoover versus The New Deal FDR as Tocquevillian? Kennan Executive Overreach Immigration Reform and Executive Orders: Imperfect Together The ‘Living’ Constitution ‘Paleoconservativism’ and the American Founding Two-Faced Freedom? Moynihan, the “American Burke” Three English Settlements in North America, Compared Lincoln Criticized in the Currently Fashionable Mode Jackson’s War Record: The 1828 Presidential Campaign Dixiecrats: The 1948 Presidential Election Trump vs. Clinton: The 2016 Election The Popular Front Reconstituted? Formed for a Statesman: John Quincy Adams America’s Foreign Observers United States Constitution: The Carolene Products Case Religion in Democratic Society Why Are There Now So Few “Great Senators of the United States”? United States Congress: A Brief Introduction “American Politics”: Table of Contents Madison’s New Science of Politics Andrew Jackson: Popular Sovereignty and the United States Constitution “Moby-Dick” and the “Young America” “Moby-Dick”: The Adventure Before the Adventure “Moby-Dick”: The Ship and Its Rulers “Moby-Dick”: The Nature of Chaos “Moby-Dick”: Living with Chaos “Moby-Dick”: Revolution “Moby-Dick”: Whales and Whale-Hunting “Moby-Dick”: Isolatoes No More “Moby-Dick”: Piety and Piracy “Moby-Dick”: The Business Cycle “Moby-Dick”: Ivory and Steel “Moby-Dick”: Storm The ‘Progressive’ Critique of the Declaration of Independence “Moby-Dick”: End of the Yarn “Moby-Dick”: Concluding Thoughts Charles Olson Considers Melville Melville’s “Battle-Pieces” or, “Moby-Dick” in Practice The Logic of the United States Constitution The Relation of the Federal Government to the State Governments: What Does Publius Say? Free, Independent, and Sovereign? The Status of the American States The Frontier Closes: Foreign Policy and the Status of the States Civil Society and Local Government Liberalism and Statism in America Political Partisanship Now Planning an American Islamic Republic George Washington, Nation-Builder Mathematicians in America American Foreign Policy Since the Second World War America’s Declaration of Independence Declaration of Independence: British Rejoinders Defending the American Founding Moral and Civic Virtues, the American Way Self-Government, the American Way Republicanism, the American Way That Exquisite Headache, the University of Virginia Dickens in America Whose Declaration? Imperialism and Regime Change as Instruments of Foreign Policy in the Washington Administration State and Regime in America: The Articles of Confederation, Pro and Con Who Is an American Citizen? Printouts of Progressivism The “Constitutional Sheriff” and the Rule of Law Taking Their Stand: The Southern Agrarians The Idea of Representation and the Problem of Delegation New Deal or No Deal: American Economic Policies, 1914-1946 Washington Politics during World War Two The Statesmanship of Word and Deed: Abraham Lincoln ‘Multicultural’ Education The Plains Sioux and the Empire of Liberty Education for Democracy Political ‘Identitarianism’ John Quincy Adams: Guide for Today? Why Have There Been No Military Coups in the United States? The Presence of the Old ‘New Left’ A Progressive’s Critique of Progressivism The Institutional Framework for Executive Firmness in the United States Constitution Mobbed by Consent How the American Founders Understood Religious Liberty Sex, Drugs, and Civil Rights: Regime Change for Dummies When the Business of America Was Business: The National Wrestling Alliance Corruption and the Constitution The Primer on “Critical Race Theory” Chastellux in America On Aristotle and America Federalism and Democracy in America Municipal Planning and Zoning in the United States The City in the Commercial Republic Regime Changes in Local Government: Democracy in America? The Real Anti-Racism Nations Malraux and De Gaulle Machiavelli and the Shah Rhodesia: Emotions and Realities Mr. Buckley’s Critique of Begin Self-Determination, Now “Pravda” Means “Truth” The Costs of Survival Islam and Modern Politics Islam and Modern Politics: Al Qaeda Islam and Modern Politics: Saudi Arabia Islam and Modern Politics: Iran Muslims and the Modern State De Gaulle’s Fifth Republic: President and Parliament Churchill’s Statesmanship Reply to Garcia Marquez France’s Mitterrand Islam and Modern Politics Al-Qaeda and ‘Islamism’ Saudi Arabia Iran Syria and Its Civil War De Gaulle: Portrait of a Statesman Democracy’s Temptations Geopolitics of the Cold War The Fate of French Collaborators After the World War Cocteau the Greek Fascism in France, Misunderstood French Factionalism France’s Civilizing Mission Marxism-Leninism, Incisively Debunked German Reunification Churchill on Empire Sinyavsky and the Bearable Heaviness of Dissent Michnik on the Polish Church De Gaulle’s Statesmanship Rightly Understood Hitler’s Architect, Albert Speer: A Note A Written Constitution for Israel: The Eidelberg Proposal Charles Tilly and the Reconstruction of Political History The French and American Revolutions Compared Historiography Against Tyranny: The Achievement of Guglielmo Ferrero Fascists: Who Were They? Islam in Crisis British Imperialism and Its Critics ‘Indirect’ Imperialism Camus and His Native Algeria Havel’s Political Thought Stalin Thucydides on Politics Resistance, Reconsidered Where France Stood in Churchill’s Geopolitical Landscape Aron Companion Churchill’s War Cabinet Tyrants Solzhenitsyn on the Russian Revolution “Nations”: Table of Contents Margaret Thatcher Troubling History Does It Make Sense to Seek Truth in Politics? Havel and Michnik Talk It Over Rood Geopolitics Solzhenitsyn on Russian Reconstruction Can Democracy Work? Solzhenitsyn in the Seventies: Prospects for Russia and the West Chinese Appropriations of Schmitt and Strauss Gods of the Family, Gods of the City: The “Antigone” Machiavelli’s “Florentine Histories” Lincoln, Churchill, and Statesmanship The Many Regimes of Chateaubriand Edmund Spenser on What to Do with the Irish Shakespearean Comedy: Two Points on the Compass The Regime Change That Wasn’t China in the 1990s How to Read Tocqueville’s “The Old Regime and the Revolution” The Napoleonic Wars Weren’t Over till Charlotte Bronte Said They Were Over The Temptation of the West: Solzhenitsyn in America Regime Change in Japan What Will Russia Be? Livy, Teacher of Statesmen Livy’s Model Statesman What Is “The Great Reset”? The Roman Republic in Action: Polybius, Books I-II Roman Resilience: Polybius, Books III-V The Roman Regime: Polybius, Book VI Tocqueville’s Thoughts on the History of England Churchill in the Sudan: War and Statesmanship Geopolitics of Asia The Political and Economic History of Modern China The China Strategy Portrait of a Jihadist The Newest ‘Left’ Chateaubriand’s America The Costs of Chinese Leninism Churchill at War Sallust in Defense of History Liberal Multiculturalism, II: Kymlicka’s Restatement Hobbes on “The Long Parliament” Grand Strategy for the Philippines A Chinese Tocqueville? What Is Statesmanship? The Monarchist Kulturkampf of Charles Maurras An Education in Romanness Caesar Considers the Gauls American Vercingetorix Aron on De Gaulle: Wartime and Postwar Aron on De Gaulle: The Fifth Republic Spanish Conquistadors Through a ‘Postmodernist’ Lens Lakotas Conflict of Regimes, Conflict of Empires: Lakotas Confront the United States Chateaubriand Against Napoleon Chateaubriand and Napoleon: Parallel Lives Napoleon and Alexander: Parallel Lives Chateaubriand and Napoleon: Parallel Defeats What Is Europe? How Communists Conducted Regime Change in Hungary What Is the Modern State? Regimes in Collision The Debacle of the French Intellectuals The Causes of War Mann’s Analysis of the Causes and Effects of War Hamas: Its History and Character How the Stars at Churchill’s Birth Formed the Constellation of His Life Institutional Heft: How the Left Cinches in Its Ideocracy Founding Bulgaria The Manly, Moderate Republicanism of “Wilhelm Tell” The Distinctive Character of Russia Warfare Now France Between the World Wars: The Witness of Raymond Aron What American Democracy Means for Europe, in the Estimation of Alexis de Tocqueville The French “New Right” Anti-Americanism of the European Right, Then and Now Hindenburg Clemenceau Communism As It Has Been and As It Is Manners & Morals Malraux and De Gaulle: Can Democracy Be Cultural? The Crisis of Islamic Civilization An Age of Inflation Sentimental Individualism “Algeny” “Gone With the Wind,” Begone Peace-Seeking in the Western Tradition How Not to Edit a Collection of Essays Can the Use of Nuclear Weapons Be Moral? How Bloom Did It: Rhetoric and Principle in “The Closing of the American Mind” Leftist Lit-Crit, Revised Malraux and ‘Diversity’ Sade: Laclos for the Lackluster Frost and Oliver: Poets of Nature Vaunting Guardians of the Marxist Revolution The Goodness of Banality Oedipus’ Self-Deception Fatherhood and Friendship in the Modern Regime: Jean Dutourd’s “The Springtime of Life” Politics and Romance: Hawthorne’s Blithedale The Intellectual Life and the Social Life: Imperfect Together The Spirit of the (Democratic) Laws What Is a ‘Network’? “Manners and Morals”: Table of Contents Gentlemen and Gentlemanliness According to Shakespeare How to Be a Sensible Tourist: Edith Wharton in the Mediterranean Racine’s “Britannicus” What Shakespeare Means to Say, When He Says, “As You Like It” Comic Errors, Legal Slapstick Twelfth Night The Wizard of Oz, or, Platonism for the People The Wisest Beholder Royal Dreaming Is All Well That Ends Well? Epidemic of Fear Young Werther’s Wrongly-Ordered Soul Tocqueville on the Moral Effects of Public Charity Latini’s Treasure: What A Gentleman Should Know About Nature Latini’s Treasure: What a Gentleman Should Know About Morality Latini’s Treasure: What a Gentleman Should Know About Politics The Roman Cato with the Soul of Washington Teaching as Distinct from Educating Philip Gilbert Hamerton: Man of Letters, Man of Art Liberal Education, That Vexed Thing The Life of the Mind as a Way of Life The Holocaust Reconsidered What Is the Point of Studying Literature? Undertaking Literary Study Malraux and the “Farfelu” Are Liberal Studies Moral? Religious Toleration Among the Aristocrats? Chateaubriand’s Thought Experiment The “Two Cities” Viewed from Poland Why Ardor? Sociology, That Societal Problem Does Music Mean Anything? Soul Music Remembrances Robert H. Horwitz, 1923-1987 Journalist Meets Postmoderns: Jonathan Schell at the New School “Remembrances”: Table of Contents
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