NOTE: The “Contents” section of the site menu lists all articles, divided into six categories (“Bible Notes,” “Philosophers,” “American Politics,” “Nations,” “Manners and Morals,” and “Remembrances”). The articles are arranged in the chronological order of their posting. This Table of Contents lists the articles in the “Philosophers” section in the order in which they may be read as if they were chapters in a book.
1. Where Does Political Life Come From?
Pierre Clastres: Society Against the State: Essays in Political Anthropology (1988).
2. The Nature of Politics
Mark Blitz: Reason and Politics: The Nature of Political Phenomena (2021).
3. ‘Regime’ Defined
Clifford Angell Bates: the Centrality of the Regime in Political Science (2016).
4. Benardete on the Odyssey
Seth Benardete: The Bow and the Lyre: A Platonic Reading of the Odyssey (1997).
5. Philosophy, A Way of Life
Pierre Hadot: Philosophy as a Way of Life: Spiritual Exercises from Socrates to Foucault. (1995).
6. Laurence Lampert: The Beijing Lectures: Strauss, Plato, Nietzsche: Philosophy and Its Poetry. Lecture III: “Socrates’ Philosophic Poetry”; Lecture IV: “Socrates Becomes Socrates.” Philadelphia: Paul Dry Books, 2024.
7. Plato—Short, Sweet, and Aporetic
Thomas L. Pangle, ed.: The Roots of Political Philosophy: Ten Forgotten Dialogues (1987).
8. Why Philosophy? Socrates’ End
9. Socrates’ Trial, Misjudged
I. F. Stone: The Trial of Socrates (1988).
10. Plato’s Phaedo, I
Plato: Phaedo. David Gallup translation. (1985).
Kenneth Dorter: Plato’s Phaedo: An Interpretation (1982).
11. Plato’s Phaedo, II
Ronna Burger: The Phaedo: A Platonic Labyrinth (1984).
12. Plato’s Phaedrus
Plato: Phaedrus. James H. Nichols, Jr., translation. (1998).
Ronna Burger: Plato’s “Phaedrus”: A Defense of the Philosophic Art of Writing (1980).
Charles Griswold: Self-Knowledge in Plato’s Phaedrus (1986).
13. Plato’s Gorgias
Plato: Gorgias. James H. Nichols translation. (1998).
Devin Stauffer: The Unity of Plato’s Gorgias: Rhetoric, Justice, and the Philosophic Life. (2006).
14. Plato’s Gorgias: The Recovery of Socratic Virtue
Nalin Ranasinghe: Socrates in the Underworld: On Plato’s Gorgias (2009).
15. Socrates and the Sophist
Plato: Greater Hippias. Harold N. Foster translation. (1967).
Catherine H. Zuckert: Plato’s Philosophers: The Coherence of the Dialogues. (2009). Chapter 4, section iv: “The Sophist’s Inability to Say What Is Noble.”
16. Alcibiades
Plato and Aeschines: Socrates and Alcibiades: Four Texts. David M. Johnson translation. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company, 2003.
André Archie: Politics in Socrates’ Alcibiades: A Philosophical Account of Plato’s Dialogue Alcibiades Major. Dordrecht: Springer International Publishing, 2015.
17. Benardete on Plato’s Philebus
Seth Benardete: Tragedy and Comedy of Life (1993).
18. Teaching Virtue?
Plato: Meno. George Anastaplo and Laurence Berns translation. (2004).
Jacob Klein: A Commentary on Plato’s Meno. (1965).
19. Fifteen Truths and a Noble Lie
Plato: Republic. Allan Bloom translation. (1987).
20. The Philosopher-King: A Contradiction in Terms?
Plato: Republic. Allan Bloom translation. (1987).
21. After Philosophy: Socrates Interruptus
Plato: Republic. Allan Bloom translation. (1987).
22. Plato’s Republic
John F. Wilson: The Politics of Moderation (1984).
23. Socrates versus Athens
Mary P. Nichols: Socrates and the Political Community: An Ancient Debate (1987).
24. Socrates in the City
Mary P. Nichols: Socrates and the Political Community: An Ancient Debate (1987).
25. Thirty-Nine Reasons for Reading Benardete on Plato’s Republic
Seth Benardete: Socrates’ Second Sailing: On Plato’s Republic (1989).
26. Plato’s Protagoras
Patrick J. Coby: Socrates and the Sophistic Enlightenment: A Commentary on Plato’s Commentary (1987).
27. Defending Philosophy in Renaissance Italy: Ficino’s Metamorphic Retrieval of Plato’s Symposium
Marsilio Ficino: Commentary on Plato’s Symposium on Love (1985).
28. Plato’s Politic Practice: Plato’s “Letters,” I-IV
Ariel Helfer, editor and translator: Plato’s Letters: The Political Challenge of the Philosophic Life. (2023).
29. What Is Politic About Platonic Political Philosophy? Plato’s “Letters,” V-XIII
Ariel Helfer, editor and translator: Plato’s Letters: The Political Challenge of the Philosophic Life (2023).
30. Aristotelian Physics
David Bolotin: An Approach to Aristotle’s Physics: With Particular Attention to the Role of His Manner of Writing. (1997).
31. Moderation, All the Way Down
Stephen G. Salkever: Finding the Mean: Theory and Practice in Aristotelian Political Philosophy (1990).
Aristotle: De Anima. C. D. C. Reeves translation. (2017).
Thomas Aquinas: Commentary on Aristotle’s De Anima. Kenholm Foster and Silvester Humphries translation. (1994).
Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics. Robert C. Bartlett and Susan Collins translation. (2011).
Aristotle: Politics. Carnes Lord translation. (2013).
32. Aristotle’s Graceful Ethics
Mary P. Nichols: Aristotle’s Discovery of the Human: Piety and Politics in the “Nicomachean Ethics.” (2023).
33. Learning from Aristotle
Mary P. Nichols: Citizens and Statesmen: A Study of Aristotle’s Politics (1996).
Clifford Angell Bates: Aristotle’s “Best Regime”: Kingship, Democracy, and the Rule of Law (2003).
Susan Collins: Aristotle and the Recovery of Statesmanship (2006).
34. What Good Is Democracy?
Delba Winthrop: Aristotle and Political Science (2019).
35. Aristotle’s Rhetoric
Aristotle: Rhetoric. Joe Sachs translation. (1988).
Larry Arnhart: Aristotle on Political Reasoning: A Commentary on the “Rhetoric” (1981).
36. Aristotle on Rhetoric
Aristotle: On Rhetoric: A Theory of Civic Discourse. George A. Kennedy translation. (1991).
Aristotle: Rhetoric. Joe Sachs translation. (1991).
Larry Arnhart: Aristotle on Political Reasoning: A Commentary on the “Rhetoric” (1981).
37. Averroës’ Commentaries on Aristotle
Charles E. Butterworth, ed.: Averroës’ Three Short Commentaries on Aristotle’s “Topics,” “Rhetoric,” and “Poetics.” (1977).
38. Aristotle on Education
Carnes Lord: Education and Culture in the Political Thought of Aristotle. (1982).
39. Aristotle and “The Moderns”
Aristide Tessitore, ed.: Aristotle and Modern Politics: The Persistence of Political Philosophy (2002).
40. Thucydides and Political Liberty
Mary P. Nichols: Thucydides and the Pursuit of Freedom (2015).
41. Socratic Half-Lives: How Philosophic Were the Philosophers of the Schools”
Diogenes Laertius: Lives of the Eminent Philosophers (1959).
42: Seneca: The Governance of Anger
Seneca: Moral Essays. John W. Basore translation. (1958).
43. Seneca on Anger: A Second Look
Seneca: “To Novatus on Anger.” In Moral and Political Essays. John M. Cooper and J.F. Procopé translation. (1995).
44. Seneca on Philosophy and the Liberal Arts
Seneca: Ad Lucilium Epistulae Morales. Richard M. Gummere translation. (1961).
45. Natural Rights and Political Philosophy
Ann Ward and Lee Ward, eds.: Natural Rights and Political Philosophy (2013).
46. Ciceronian Ethics
Marcus Tullius Cicero: On Obligations. P. G. Walsh translation. (2008).
47. Cicero’s Defense of Politics
Marcus Tullius Cicero: On the Republic and On the Laws. David Fott translation. (2014).
48. Recovering Cicero
Marcus Tullius Cicero: On the Republic and On the Laws. David Fott translation. (2014).
Timothy W. Caspar: Recovering the Ancient View of the Founding: A Commentary on Cicero’s De Legibus. (2011).
49. Those Incoherent Philosophers
Abū Hāmid Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Tusi al-Ghazāli: The Incoherence of the Philosophers. Michael E. Marmura translation. (2014).
50. Who Is the Teacher?
Augustine of Hippo: The Teacher: A Dialogue between Augustine and his son Adeodatus. In Augustine: Earlier Writings. Edited and translated by John H. S. Burleigh. (1953).
51. Aquinas on Teachers and Teaching
Thomas Aquinas: On the Teacher, Disputed Question on Truth. Question 11, Articles 1 and 2 of Questiones Disputatae de Veritate. Ralph McInerny translation (1998).
52. Taught by an Angel? Aquinas on the Hierarchical Character of Christian Education
Thomas Aquinas: On the Teacher, Disputed Questions on Truth. Question 11, Articles 3 and 4 of Questiones Disputatae de Veritate. Ralph McInerny translation (1998).
53. Dante on Monarchy
Dante Alighieri: Monarchy. Prue Shaw translation (1998).
54. Dante’s Heterodoxy
Ernest L. Fortin: Dissidence et Philosophie au Moyen Age (1981).
55. The Political Spirit
Catherine H. Zuckert, ed.: Understanding the Political Spirit: Philosophical Investigations from Socrates to Nietzsche. (1988).
56. Machiavelli in Florence
Miles J. Unger: Machiavelli: A Biography. (2011).
Heinrich Meier: “The Renewal and the Challenge of Revealed Religion: On the Intention of Leo Strauss’s Thoughts on Machiavelli.” In Political Philosophy and Revealed Religion. Robert Berman translation. (2017).
57. Is Machiavelli Machiavellian”
Niccolò Machiavelli: The Prince. Harvey C. Mansfield, Jr. translation. (1985).
Leo Strauss: Thoughts on Machiavelli (1969).
58. Flattery and Philosophy
Niccolò Machiavelli: The Prince. Harvey C. Mansfield, Jr. translation. (1985).
59. What Is “Effectual Truth”?
Harvey C. Mansfield, Jr.: Machiavelli’s Effectual Truth: Creating the Modern World (2023).
60. What Is the Executive Power?
Harvey C. Mansfield, Jr.: Taming the Prince: The Ambivalence of Modern Executive Power (1989).
61. Mansfield on Machiavelli on Livy
Harvey C. Mansfield, Jr.: Machiavelli’s New Modes and Orders (1989).
62. The Dialogue between Machiavelli and Shakespeare
Michael Platt: Mighty Opposites: Machiavelli and Shakespeare Match Wits. (2022).
63. Machiavelli Today?
Carnes Lord: The Modern Prince: What Leaders Need to Know Now (2003).
64. Bodin’s Secrets.
Jean Bodin: Colloquium of the Seven about the Secrets of the Sublime. Marion Leathers Daniels Kuntz translation. (1975).
65. Mr. Nice Guy: On the First Book of Montaigne’s Essays
66. Montaigne Concludes His Argument: The Essays, Book Three
67. Montaigne’s Politics
Biancamaria Fontana: Montaigne’s Politics: Authority and Governance in the “Essais” (2008).
68. Montaigne’s Project
Pierre Manent: Montaigne: Life Without Law. Paul Seaton translation. (2014).
69. Taming Our Shrewishness
William Shakespeare: The Taming of the Shrew.
70. Shakespeare and His Roman Plays
Paul A. Cantor: Shakespeare’s Rome: Republic and Empire (1976).
Michael Platt: Rome and Romans According to Shakespeare (1983).
Jan H. Blits: The End of the Ancient Republic: Essays on Julius Caesar (1982).
71. The Philosophy of Hamlet’s Tragicall Historie
William Shakespeare: Hamlet.
72. Shakespearean Philosophy?
K.J. Spalding: The Philosophy of Shakespeare (1953).
73. The “New Atlantis”: Utopia or Dystopia?
Francis Bacon: The New Atlantis.
Kimberly Hurd Hale: Francis Bacon’s New Atlantis in the Foundation of Modern Political Thought. (2013).
74. Liberalism and Reason
J. E. Parsons, Jr.: Essays in Political Philosophy (1982).
75. The Character of Modern Republicanism
Ralph Lerner: Revolutions Revisited: Two Faces of the Politics of the Enlightenment (1994).
Thomas L. Pangle: The Spirit of Modern Republicanism (1988).
Lorraine Smith Pangle and Thomas L. Pangle: The Ennobling of Democracy (1991).
Michael Zuckert: Natural Rights and the New Republicanism (1994).
76. Political Authority: Resistance and Obedience, Socrates and Hobbes.
77. Hobbes on “The Long Parliament”
Thomas Hobbes: Behemoth, or the Long Parliament. (1990 edition).
78. Locke Questions the Law of Nature
John Locke: Questions Concerning the Law of Nature (1990 edition).
79. Locke on the Moral and Political Implications of Modern Science
Steven Forde: Locke, Science, and Politics (2013).
80. Spinoza and Modern Liberalism
Douglas J. Den Uyl: Power, State, and Freedom: An Interpretation of Spinoza’s Political Philosophy (1983).
81. Montesquieu’s Erotic Liberalism
Diana J. Schaub: Erotic Liberalism: Women and Revolution in Montesquieu’s Persian Letters (1995).
82. What Is Vico Trying to Accomplish?
Giambattista Vico: Principles of the New Science of Giambattista Vico Concerning the Common Nature or Nations. Thomas Goddard Bergin and Max Harold Fisch translation. Book I. (1994).
83. Seeking Wisdom: Vico’s Philology
Giambattista Vico: Principles of the New Science of Giambattista Vico Concerning the Common Nature or Nations. Book II: “Poetic Wisdom.”
84. Giambattista Vico: Principles of the New Science of Giambattista Vico Concerning the Common Nature or Nations. Books III, IV, and V.
85. Adam Smith, Moralist
Richard F. Teichgraeber, III: “Free Trade” and Moral Philosophy: Rethinking the Sources of Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations (1987).
86. Chastellux on “Public Happiness” in the Ancient World
François Jean de Beauvoir, Marquis de Chastellux: Agriculture and Population: The Truest Proofs of the Welfare of the People. Volume I. (1792).
87. Chastellux on “Public Happiness” in the Modern World: Defense of Enlightenment
François Jean de Beauvoir, Marquis de Chastellux: Agriculture and Population: The Truest Proofs of the Welfare of the People. Volume II. (1792).
88. Education for Kingship: Eros Rightly Understood
François de Selignac de la Mothe-Fénelon: Telemachus, Son of Ulysses. Book I-VI.
89. Education for Kingship: Founding the Best Regime
François de Selignac de la Mothe-Fénelon: Telemachus, Son of Ulysses. Books VII-XI.
90. Telemachus at War, Preparing for Peace
François de Selignac de la Mothe-Fénelon: Telemachus, Son of Ulysses. Books XII-XVIII.
91. Discontented Moderns
92. Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Discourse on the Origin and Foundations of Inequality among Men. In Victory Gourevitch, ed.: Rousseau: The Discourses and Other Early Political Writings. (1997)
93. Inequality, That Vexed Question
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Discourse which won the Prize of the Academy of Dijon in the Year 1750.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Discourse on the Origin and Foundations of Inequality among Men.
Marc F. Plattner: Rousseau’s State of Nature (1979).
Walter Scheidel: The Great Leveler: Violence and the History of Inequality from the Stone Age to the Twentieth Century (2017).
94. Rousseau’s Social Contract
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: The Social Contract.
Hilail Gildin: Rousseau’s Social Contract: The Design of the Argument (1983).
95. Some Notes Concerning Rousseau’s Thoughts on Education
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Emile or, On Education. Allan Bloom translation (1979).
96. Some Notes Concerning Rousseau’s Thoughts on Education: Early Childhood
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Emile or, On Education, Book II.
97. Some Notes Concerning Rousseau’s Thoughts on Education: The Mature Child
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Emile or, On Education, Book III.
98. Some Notes Concerning Rousseau’s Thoughts on Education: Sexuality and Compassion
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Emile or, On Education, Book IV.
99. Some Notes Concerning Rousseau’s Thoughts on Education: The Savoyard Vicar
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Emile or, On Education, Book IV.
100. Some Notes Concerning Rousseau’s Thoughts on Education: Emile in Civil Society
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Emile or, On Education, Book IV.
101. Some Notes Concerning Rousseau’s Thoughts on Education: The Wisdom of Taste
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Emile or, On Education, Book V.
102. Some Notes Concerning Rousseau’s Thoughts on Education: Sophie
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Emile or, On Education, Book V.
103. Some Notes Concerning Rousseau’s Thoughts on Education: Comparative Politics and Natural Right within Civil Society
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Emile or, On Education, Book V.
104. Rousseau’s Confessions
Ann Hartle: The Modern Self in Rousseau’s Confessions: A Reply to St. Augustine (1986).
105. Rousseau’s Solitary Walker
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: The Reveries of the Solitary Walker. Charles E. Butterworth translation. (1979).
106. Rousseau: Nature or History?
Asher Horowitz: Rousseau: Nature and History (1987).
107. Is Kant a Historicist?
H.S. Reis, ed.: Kant: Political Writings. (1991).
Immanuel Kant: “Idea for a Univeral History with a Cosmopolitan Purpose.”
_____. “The Contest of Faculties: A Renewed Attempt to Answer the Question: ‘Is the Human Race Continually Improving?'”
_____. “Conjectures on the Beginning of Human History.
108. Perpetual Peace
Immanuel Kant: Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch (1991).
109. Chateaubriand and Political Philosophy
François-René Vicomte de Chateaubriand: Essai Politique, Historique, et Morale, sur les Révolutions Anciennes et Modernes considerées dans leurs Rapports avec la Révolutions Française de nos Jours (1797).
110. Chateaubriand’s Critique of Rousseau’s State of Nature
François-René Vicomte de Chateaubriand: Atala/René. Irving Putter translation. (1997).
111. Hegel: Philosophy Historicized
112. Hegel’s “Philosophy of History”: Introduction
G.W.F. Hegel: Lectures on the Philosophy of History, Introduction
113. Hegel’s “Philosophy of History”: The Oriental World
G.W.F. Hegel: Lectures on the Philosophy of History,Part One.
114. Hegel’s “Philosophy of History”: The Greek World
G.W.F Hegel: Lectures on the Philosophy of History, Part Two.
115. Hegel’s “Philosophy of History”: The Roman World
G.W.F. Hegel: Lectures on the Philosophy of History, The Germanic World.
116. Strauss’s Critique of Hegel
Leo Strauss: On Hegel (2019).
117. Historicity and Reason: Two Studies
Richard J. Bernstein: Beyond Subjectivism and Relativism (1983).
Stanley Rosen: G. W. F. Hegel: An Introduction to the Science of Wisdom (1974).
118. Misunderstanding Tocqueville
Alexis de Tocqueville: Democracy in America. Harvey C. Mansfield and Delba Winthrop translation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000.
119. How to Read Tocqueville’s The Old Regime and the French Revolution
Alexis de Tocqueville: L’Ancient Regime et la Révolution (n.d.)
Alexis de Tocqueville: The Old Regime and the French Revolution. Arthur Goldhammer translation. (2011).
120. Tocqueville Companion
Cheryl B. Welch, ed.: The Cambridge Companion to Tocqueville (2006).
121. Tocqueville the Mediator
Sheldon S. Wolin: Tocqueville Between Two Worlds (2000).
122. Tocqueville on Liberty and Democracy
Michael Hereth: Alexis de Tocqueville: Threats of Freedom in America (1986).
123. Mill’s Liberalism
Bernard Semmel: John Stuart Mill and the Pursuit of Virtue (1984).
124. Emerson: Intellectual or Philosopher?
125. Melville’s Billy Budd
Thomas J. Scorza: In the Time Before Steamships: Billy Budd, the Limits of Politics, and Modernity (1980).
126. Feuerbach’s Materialism
Ludwig Feuerbach: Lectures on the Essence of Religion (1967) [1846].
Ludwig Feuerbach: Principles of the Philosophy of the Future. (1986) [1843].
127. Marxism: Where Does It Go Wrong?
128. Political Philosophy in Beijing, III: A Consideration of Nietzsche.
Laurence Lampert: Strauss, Plato, Nietzsche. Lecture 5: “Nietzsche Becomes Nietzsche”; Lecture 6: “Nietzsche’s Philosophic Poetry.” (2024)
129. Sorel’s Valorization of Violence
Georges Sorel: Reflections on Violence. T. E. Hulme translation. (1967). [1908].
130. Dewey: Growth and Its Problems
131. Dewey’s Defense of “Liberalism”
John Dewey: Liberalism and Social Action (1935).
132. The Effects of the Philosophy of Freedom on Modern Tyranny
Waller R. Newell: Tyranny and Revolution: Rousseau to Heidegger. Chapters 1-2. (2022).
133. The Critique of Rationalism in the Philosophy of Freedom.
Waller R. Newell: Tyranny and Revolution: Rousseau to Heidegger. Chapters 3-4. (2022).
134. Heidegger’s Consequences
Waller R. Newell: Tyranny and Revolution: Rousseau to Heidegger. Chapter 5. (2022).
Michael Millerman: Beginning with Heidegger: Strauss, Rorty, Derrida, Dugin, and the Philosophic Constitution of the Political. (2020).
135. Strauss’s Critique of Heidegger
Timothy W. Burns: Leo Strauss on Democracy, Technology, and Liberal Education. (
136. Voegelin, Hitler, and the Germans
Eric Voegelin: Hitler and the Germans (1999).
137. What Has Wittgenstein to Do with Political Philosophy?
John W. Danford: Wittgenstein and Political Philosophy: A Reexamination of the Foundations of Social Science (1978).
138. Liberal Education at Mid-Century
Mark Van Doren: Liberal Education (1943).
139. Benda’s Dubious “Clerks”
Julien Benda: The Betrayal of the Clerks. Richard Aldington translation. (1959 edition).
140. Benda “Buried Alive”
Julien Benda: Exercise d’un Enterré Vif (1946).
141. De Jouvenel’s Conservative Liberalism
Daniel J. Mahoney: Bertrand de Jouvenel: The Conservative Liberal and the Illusions of Modernity (2005).
142. Voegelin the Revolutionary
Ellis Sandoz: The Voegelinian Revolution (1982).
143. Strauss on Political Philosophy
Hilail Gildin, ed.: An Introduction to Political Philosophy: Ten Essays by Leo Strauss (1989).
Thomas L. Pangle, ed.: The Rebirth of Classical Rationalism: An Introduction to the Thought of Leo Strauss (1982).
144. Adventures in Inquiry: Leo Strauss’s Quest
Carlo Altini: Philosophy as Stranger Wisdom: A Leo Strauss Intellectual Biography. (2022).
145. Tyranny and Philosophy
Timothy W. Burns and Bryan-Paul Frost, eds.: Philosophy, History, and Tyranny: Re-examining the Debate between Leo Strauss and Alexandre Kojève (2016).
146. Strauss’s Critique of Heidegger
Timothy W. Burns: Leo Strauss on Democracy, Technology, and Liberal Education (2021).
147. Political Philosophy Now
Glenn Elmers: The Narrow Passage: Plato, Foucault, and the Possibility of Political Philosophy. (2023).
148. Do Liberal Democracies Serve Any Purpose?
Kenneth L. Deutsch and Walter Soffer, eds.: The Crisis of Liberal Democracy: A Straussian Perspective (1988).
149. Strauss on Reason and Revelation
Susan Orr: Jerusalem and Athens (1995).
150. The ‘Young Strauss’: A Critique from the ‘Left’
Bruno Quélennec: Retour dans la caverne: Philosophie politique et religion chez le jeune Leo Strauss (2018).
151. Political Philosophy in Beijing: A Consideration of Strauss.
Laurence Lampert: Strauss, Plato, Nietzsche: Philosophy and Its Poetry. Lecture I: “Strauss Recovers the Tradition of Philosophic Poetry”; Lecture II: “Strauss, Nietzsche, and the Philosophic Poetry of the Future.” Philadelphia: Paul Dry Books, 2024.
152. Sartre and the “Last Man”
153. Beauvoir’s Politics
Simone de Beauvoir: The Second Sex. H. M. Parshley translation (1964 edition).
Sonia Kruks: Simone de Beauvoir and the Politics of Ambiguity (2012).
154. Dialogue Against Ideology: Raymond Aron’s Political Science
Nathan Orlando: Raymond Aron and His Dialogues in an Age of Ideologies. (2023).
155. The Goodness of Banality
156. What Is Analytic Philosophy?
Stephen Schwartz: A Brief History of Analytic Philosophy: From Russell to Rawls. West Sussex: John Wiley and Sons, 2012.
157. Is Logic ‘About’ Anything?
Henry B. Veatch: Two Logics: The Conflict between Classical and Neo-Analytic Philosophy (1969).
158. Logic and Ethics: Is There a Connection?
Henry B. Veatch: Realism and Nominalism (1954).
Henry B. Veatch: Rational Man: A Modern Interpretation of Aristotelian Ethics (1962).
159. Anarcho-Capitalism Refuted
Murray N. Rothbard: The Ethics of Liberty (1980).
160. Singer’s Critique of Sociobiology
Peter Singer: The Expanding Circle: Ethics and Sociobiology (1981).
161. Two Critiques of Nihilism
Alasdair McIntyre: After Virtue (1981).
Stanley Rosen: Nihilism: A Philosophical Essay (1969).
162. ‘Postmoderns’ Deconstructed
Stanley Corngold: The Fate of the Self: German Writers and French Theory (1986).
163. ‘Postmodernism’ as Disguised Modernism
Stanley Rosen: Hermeneutics and Politics (1987).
Leo Strauss: On Tyranny (2013 edition).
164. Origins of the ‘New Left’
George Friedman: The Political Philosophy of the Frankfurt School (1981).
165. This Is Not an Essay: Critiques of Rawls from the ‘Left’
Chantal Mouffe: The Return of the Political (1993).
John Exdell: “Feminism, Fundamentalism, and Liberal Democracy” (1994).
166. Derrida and ‘Deconstruction’
Jacques Derrida: “History of the Lie” (2002).
Hannah Arendt: “Lying in Politics” (1972).
167. Michel Foucault v. Nancy Fraser: Dueling Aphorisms
Paul Rabinow, ed.: The Foucault Reader (1984).
Nancy Fraser: “Foucault on Modern Power” (1981).
168. Liberal Multiculturalism: Kymlicka’s Case
Will Kymlicka: Liberalism, Community, and Culture. (1989).
169. Liberal Multiculturalism, II
Will Kymlicka: Multicultural Citizenship: A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights. (1995).
170. ‘Deliberative Democracy’
Amy Guttmann and Dennis Thompson: Democracy and Disagreement (1996).
Jürgen Habermas: Between Facts and Norms (1996).
171. Political ‘Identitarianism’
Amy Guttmann: Identity in Democracy. (2003).
172. ‘Postmodern’ Happiness
Ross Abbinett: Politics of Happiness (2013).
173. How Some of Our Contemporaries Aspire to the Philosophic Life
174. Delimiting Philosophy
Stanley Rosen: The Limits of Analysis (1980).
Bernard Williams: Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy (1985).
175. Imagination, Reconsidered
Eva T. H. Brann: The World of the Imagination (1991).
176. How Can One Govern the Doubleness of Thought?
Hilary Putnam: Truth and History (1981).
177. A Question of Integrity: Wolgast’s Critique of Rawls
John Rawls: Political Liberalism (1996).
Elizabeth H. Wolgast: “The Demands of Public Reason” (1994).
178. Taylor’s “Politics of Recognition”
Charles Taylor et al.: Multiculturalism and the Politics of Recognition (1994).
179. Strengthening Social Contract Theory?
Jeffrey Reiman: Justice and Moral Philosophy (1992).
180. Liberalism’s “Two Faces”
John Gray: Two Faces of Liberalism (2000).
181. What Has Plato to Do with Modern Europe?
Jan Patocka: Plato and Europe (2002).
182. In Defense of Humanism
Tzetan Todorov: Imperfect Garden: The Legacy of Humanism (2002).
183. Marxism in Crisis
Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe: Hegemony and Socialist Strategy: Towards a Radical Democratic Politics. Chapters 1-2. (2014).
184. Political Theory for a Postmodernist ‘Left’
Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe: Hegemony and Socialist Strategy: Towards a Radical Democratic Politics. Chapters 3-4. (2014).
185. What is Beauty?
Edmund Burke: A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and the Beautiful (1968).
Roger Scruton: Beauty (2009).
186. Scruton Sums Up
Roger Scruton and Mark Dooley: Conversations with Roger Scruton (2016).
187. Wise Contemporaries: Roger Scruton and Pierre Manent
Daniel J. Mahoney: Recovering Politics, Civilization, and the Soul (2022).
188. Mobbed by Consent
189. Manent on Thinking Politically
Pierre Manent: Seeing Things Politically. Ralph Hancock translation. (2015).
190. Natural Law and the Rights of Men
Pierre Manent: La Loi Naturelle et les Droits des Hommes (2018).
191. Pacifism and Just War
Jenny Teichman: Pacifism and Just War: A Study in Applied Philosophy (1987).
192. Can the Use of Nuclear Weapons Be Moral?
Joseph P. Martino: A Fighting Chance: The Moral Use of Nuclear Weapons (1988).
193. Peace Seeking in the Western Tradition
James Turner Johnson: The Quest for Peace (1987).
194. Pacifism’s Moral Crisis
Guenter Lewy: Peace and Revolution: The Moral Crisis of American Pacifism (1988).
195. Philosophy and Just War
Christopher Coker: Barbarous Philosophers: Reflections on the Nature of War from Heraclitus to Heisenberg (2010).
196. The Morality of Nuclear Deterrence
Jonathan Shell: The Fate of the Earth (1982).
Nigel Blake and Kay Pole, eds.: Objections to Nuclear Defence (1984).
197. Is International Law Tyrannical?
Chantal Delsol: Unjust Justice: Against the Tyranny of International Law (2008).
198. Mercy
Alex Tuckness and John M. Parrish: The Decline of Mercy in Public Life (2014).
199. What Are Persons Worth?
James Franklin: The Worth of Person: The Foundation of Ethics (2022).
200. Re-Politicizing Political Theory
Jeremy Waldron: Political Political Theory (2016).
201. Reconstituting Natural Philosophy
Nicholas Maxwell: In Praise of Natural Philosophy: A Revolution for Thought and Life (2017).
202. Conquest of Nature 6.0
Jennifer A. Doudna and Samuel Sternberg: A Crack in Creation: Gene Editing and the Unthinkable Power to Control Evolution (2018).
203. The Encounters of Seth Benardete
Seth Benardete: Encounters and Reflections: Conversations with Seth Benardete. Part One.
204. The Reflections of Seth Benardete
Seth Benardete: Encounters and Reflections: Conversations with Seth Benardete. Part Two.
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